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Sunday, February 17, 2013

RIPOFF: Is Scott Veerkamp honoring his fiduciary responsibility to his clients?

On a previous website, Scott posted the following information regarding his commitment to his clients: (a) Loyalty to clients. (b) Fiduciary responsibility to clients. (c) Truthfulness in statements and advertising.

Regarding his statements, please take time to review all the bullet points on his website. Upon review, it is obvious Scott is not being truthful with the information he is presenting. Clearly, Scott is using false statements to mislead the public with "Bait and Switch" tactics.

Scott Veerkamp is misleading consumers with false information on his websites...

Scott displayed an "OPEN HOUSES" link on the front page of his website in 2004. This is the same year I purchased the property listed with REMAX Central. Obviously, Scott used the OPEN HOUSES link as a tool for deceiving the public. In my case, he had no intention of conducting an open house.

When comparing the 2004 website to his current website, you will notice the REMAX brand name is missing on his current site.  Apparently, REMAX does not want to have their name associated with Scott Veerkamp when he discusses his work experience in the real estate industry. 

Please note:  Scott refused to drive (one block) to conduct an open house on the Eaton Court property...

Scott Veerkamp Ripoff Alert: Here is documentation of the money I invested to renovate the Eaton Court property...

Here is documentation of the money I invested in the 8202 Eaton Court property. Apparently, Scott thought I invested -($7,300) to renovate this house so he could flip the property at my expense.  (Please scroll to review receipts)

Exposing Scott Veerkamp Real Estate Scams

1.  Scott Veerkamp is using Christian Phone Book to deceive the public.

2.  Is Predatory Lending an example of how to be a good "Christian"?

3.  Does a kickback on a predatory loan represent an example of "Serving Others First"?

4.  Scott Veerkamp is an IMPOSTER.  He is using Christian Phone Book to mislead consumers.

5.  Who is that person Scott is talking about in the PDF document?  Is this another individual Scott intends to (prey on) with false information?

Examples of deception, predatory lending, and false advertising: