Please take time to review 9 PDF exhibits (below)...
The following information was presented after I purchased the Eaton Court property in September of 2004:
1. The Bill Worley appraisal.
Here are the numbers for the price per square foot of each comparable: A. $81.10 B. $96.40 C. $86.61 (The average price of the comparables is $88 per square foot.)
2. The square footage shown on the 8202 Eaton Court property is 1,450. 1,450 times $88 per square foot equals $127,600 in property value.
3. Mysteriously, Bill Worley is showing the 8202 property as having a value of $140,000 on his appraisal dated June 14, 2005.
4. Here are the numbers for the square footage of each comparable in the Bill Worley appraisal: A. 1,714 B. 1,555 C. 1,732 (The average square footage of the comparables is 1,667.)
5. Please compare 1,667 square feet to the square footage shown on the 8202 property in the Chad Barker appraisal. The square footage shown for the 8202 property in the Chad Barker appraisal is 1,388.
6. As a comparison: 1,388 times $88 per square foot equals $122,144 in property value.
7. Clearly, the square footage in the Bill Worley appraisal shows evidence of a mysterious "growth spurt." The square footage was inflated from 1,388 in the original appraisal to an average of 1,667 in the Worley appraisal.
8. I had to go to an independent real estate agent to get Comparative Market Analysis because the information Scott Veerkamp provided was FALSE.
9. The Comparative Market Analysis showed properties were selling at an average of $82 per square foot in this neighborhood.
10. The square footage shown for the 8202 Eaton Court property was 1,420. 1,420 times $82 per square foot equals $116,440 in property value.
11. Please pay close attention to the exhibit regarding the NAR Code of Ethics. Standard of Practice 1-3 states the following: "REALTORS in attempting to to secure a listing, shall not deliberately mislead the owner as to market value."
12. Scott deliberately misled myself and Chris Moore on the value of the property. After reviewing Comparative Market Analysis, Chris Moore's potential loss on the property would have been -($28,560) the day he signed the contract.
13. Obviously, Scott has a unique perspective on "protecting the interest of his clients" and following the "Golden Rule."
14. I continue to ask Scott Veerkamp this question: Are David Worley and Bill Worley related? Scott refuses to answer this question. David Worley has his name listed on the MLS sheet as a contact with the "Scott Veerkamp Team" for the 8211 Eaton Court property. (Please see "Exhibit H" in Scott's response to MIBOR.)
Here is a quick summary of what happened with the Bill Worley appraisal...
A. Scott Veerkamp inflated the value of the property to induce purchase in September of 2004.
B. As discussed, Scott attempted to sell the property to Chris Moore for $145,000 on contract.
C. Scott "painted himself into a corner" when I filed the complaint with MIBOR.
D. He had no documentation to support the inflated price of $145,000 on May 10, 2005.
E. Obviously, Scott knew the Comparative Market Analysis would not support the $145,000 price he quoted. (CMA showed an estimated value of $116,440.)
F. Therefore, he put himself in a position where he had to pay $300 to "create" a value for the property on June 14, 2005.
G. This is the only way he could "cover himself" in his response to MIBOR.
1. Bill Worley appraisal 2005:
2. Chad Barker appraisal 2004:
3. CMA: $82 per square foot.
4. 1-3 Ethics Violation (bottom of page)
5. Are David and Bill Worley related?
6. Chris Moore: 145k land contract.
7. Land contract presented in May of 2005:
8. Rejection letter from GMAC:
9. Scott pays $300 to get his number: